study mbbs in Malaysia university
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Widad: Study mbbs in Malaysia university

Study mbbs in Malaysia university, people will think what mbbs is. Mbbs stands for Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of surgery. So you will get to study two of these, medicine and surgery. That was a good chance for you to not just study one thing but have to study two. Study mbbs in Malaysia university, very rare chance that you will get it easily. When it comes to study of course we need a good university that can guide us to be good in what we study. Choosing the best university is also important for get good environment to study. 

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Where is the place to study mbbs? 

People will recommend the best study mbbs in Malaysia university, Widad University College. Like we know Widad graduates are successful in this medical industry because of what they give. If you ask where it is the best to study medicine, of course they will answer Widad University College. The Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) is a five year program offered by the faculty of Medicine in Widad University College. Not just in Malaysia, medical courses at all places are the hard courses to study. You must study hard when you want to be the best and get a good result in an exam. That is the reason you will get a good income if you are in this medical industry. When you are in this medical world you just need to prepare your mental and physical. 

The five year program that they offer has been divided into two different phases. Phase one students will be familiar with fundamental knowledge of scientific subjects. Subjects that they will learn are pathology, anatomy and more. They also guide the student to exercise to cultivate and nurture clinical skill and give students the platform. So students will understand more about clinical practices and their reasoning. The second phase that students of Widad University College will more involves exploring clinical discipline. The students also will consist of the application of what they already learned throughout their two years. They also experience the clinical world to become an effective clinician. 

The difference between MBBS and other medical degrees 

MBBS is actually an undergraduate study and it is the first degree that medical students need to take. It was to train students in all fields of medicine so they must take MBBS. MD is actually a postgraduate degree that you can take after you complete an MBBS degree. It was all the same in one field and that was medical. This  programme is open to international students too, who get financial aid from a variety of sources. 

The benefit is to join Widad University College 

One of the benefits that students get is that those who are part of the B40 category are eligible to receive a RM5000 scholarship. Who gives them a scholarship? Yayasan Royal Widad that is part of Widad University College. The student also gets a RM400 monthly allowance for being part of the B40. Not just get a chance to study in this university but also get this all amount that will help their life to get more better. Free transportation and accommodation is also a benefit for those that apply to this university. Why you not apply, wait for what? Let’s apply now !