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Advantages Of Wood As A Construction Material

Wood is one of the oldest building materials Malaysia in the history of humanity. To this day, it is still used to construct certain buildings or furniture such as tables and chairs. Although it isn’t always an optimum material to build with, the advancements of engineering would make it just as viable as other materials including steel and concrete.

So what are the advantages of wood as a construction material?

Easy to Construct

If you have a saw, hammer and nails, you’d probably have the ability to build a cosy wooden cabin and not require any heavy machinery at all. Wood beams, joists, and studs can be cut to fit the required sizes onsite and though the frame is usually built there too, some elements can be refabricated to save time and allow greater control in construction details.

Because there is no need to wait for setting and drying times unlike other materials such as concrete, wood is viable if you are building a home that you want to settle in at a shorter time.

Readily Available

Wood is a natural material, so the abundance of trees and their sizes makes them very convenient in terms of availability. Preparation of wood is also minimal compared to other materials such as steel.

Most lumber mills use wood byproducts such as barks and chips as biofuels for their facilities. Besides, the wide availability of wood is also attributed to its renewable properties. Forestry management and replanting programs are where trees are replanted and grown to keep producing more wood.

At the same time, the number of harvested trees are also kept in mind as besides balancing the ecosystem, they play an important role in removing carbon dioxide in the environment.


If you are building a home in a cold, maybe even snowy area, wood is the best material for this. Compared to steel, concrete or glass, the insulation properties of wood are much better thanks to the air pockets within its cellular structure. 

A wooden house’s warmth is retained and the air quality within itself is also improved as moisture is regulated. This is done by releasing from and absorbing moisture into the wood to maintain balance with the surrounding air. Thus, if you build a wooden home in a dry area, moisture is retained. Conversely in a moist area, your home remains dry.

Besides, wooden walls lessens the risks of electric shocks in your house since it possesses low electrical conductivity. 

Durability and Versatility

image 1 - Advantages Of Wood As A Construction Material

Wood is a lightweight material, yet it boasts a better strength-weight ratio than steel. The latest wood preservatives can enhance its durability and as long as you properly build your wooden home, excessive moisture or decay can be avoided in addition to granting its previously mentioned insulation benefits.

Because wood is easy to cut and shape, it allows a wide versatility of shapes. Want a straight beam? Shape your wood to one. How about curved arches? Also possible. Shipping capabilities are the only objective wood has to face, but at least components can be prefabricated off site and brought to you, requiring little to no preparation.